Any experimental analysis at the LHC requires the assessment of uncertainties in the theoretical modelling coming from neglected higher orders in perturbation theory. These are usually estimated by allowing some unphysical scale, such as the factorisation or renormalisation scale, to vary around a chosen central value.
In this project, the students will generate theoretical predictions for...
Luminosity is a measure for the number of collisions that take place in a collider experiment. The higher the luminosity, the more collisions of a process of interest will take place. In this project, we will measure the instantaneous and integrated luminosity of the CMS experiment. To this end, we will analyze the measured rates with several dedicated luminosity detectors and apply the...
The future collider experiments will offer a unique opportunity to explore the fundamental interactions and search for new-physics phenomena at the high-energy frontier. Within the proposed future-collider project, the students will become familiar with the main concepts of the physics analysis at the Future Circular Collider (FCC). Through the development of the dedicated selection criteria,...
In this project you will carry out data analysis with simulated and real gravitational-wave data. You will first develop an algorithm called “matched filtering” used for detecting modelled gravitational-wave signals from noisy data. You will demonstrate its use on simple signals – with a leading order “Newtonian chirp” waveform injected within simulated “Gaussian white” noise. Next you study...