The CMS Resistive Plate Chamber setup at the CERN Gamma Irradiation Facility

May 18, 2016, 2:45 PM
8h 15m



Mr Muhammad Gul (UGent)Mr Nicolas ZAGANIDIS (UGent)


The CERN engineering and physics departments designed and built the new Gamma Irradiation Facility (GIF++) which is fully operational since March, 2015. The GIF++ is motivated by strong needs from the LHC detector and accelerator communities to perform long term ageing studies. It is a unique facility where high energy charged particles beam (mainly muons) are combined with a flux of photons (662 keV) from a 13.9 TBq 137Cs source. The CMS Resistive Plate Chamber (RPC) community made and installed several different RPC prototypes to be tested at the GIF++. In this contribution we will present the GIF++ infrastructure and the tools used for the CMS RPCs studies.

Primary author

Mr Muhammad Gul (UGent)


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