After the upgrades of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) planned for the second and the third Long Shutdown (LS), the LHC luminosity will reach values up to 2×10^34cm−2s−1 and 5×10^34cm−2 s−1 respectively. Such conditions will deeply affect the performance of the CMS muon system, especially in the very forward region, due to the harsh expected background environment and the reduced magnetic field, together with high pile-up conditions.
The CMS GEM collaboration proposes to upgrade the muon forward region with two additional muon detectors, GE1/1 and GE2/1 stations, to be installed in the second and third LS respectively, in the region 1.6<|η|<2.4 to increase redundancy and enhance the trigger and reconstruction capabilities. These detectors make use of the well established GEM technology which high spatial resolution and high rate capability allows to combine tracking and triggering functions.
In this contribution we will present the status of the GE1/1 developments on both the detector R&D and the physics analysis sides, the impact they will have on the CMS muon spectrometer, and results obtained during test beam campaigns.