YAGG:Cr3+ luminescence : influence of synthesis on luminescent properties
J.H. Bouman 1, M.Tiberi 2, O.Q. De Clercq 1, K. Korthout1, P.F. Smet 1 and D. Poelman 1
1 Lumilab, Dept. Solid State Sciences, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium
2 Nanomaterials and Interfaces Group (NIG), Chemistry Dept., University of Milan, Milan, Italy
Synthetic Yttrium Aluminium Garnet (Y$3Al_5O{12},YAG)hasbeenwidelystudiedasahostmaterialforlasingandw−LEDphosphorapplications.Inthiswork,wefocusonCr^{3+}−dopedYAG,whichisanear−infraredemitterandapromisingcandidateforapplicationsinmedicalimaging.ThedevelopedYAG:Cr^{3+}phosphorshowsbrightnear−infraredemission,peakingat690nmandhasahighinternalquantumefficiencyof87^{3+}byGa^{3+}inthehost,resultingintheformationofaY3Al{5-x}GaxO{12}$ (YAGG) host structure, allows for band gap tuning and modification of the luminescent behavior of the phosphor.
We performed characterization of the optical properties of the Cr3+ ion in YAGG via steady-state and time-resolved photoluminescence, cathodoluminescence and thermal quenching experiments. The influence of the preparation method is checked, as we compare the luminescent properties of YAGG:Cr3+ synthesized via solid state synthesis and wet-chemical methods such as coprecipitation. The latter allows for more rigorous control of the grain size and the distribution of Cr-dopants in the host.