On the feasibility of RADAR detection of high-energy neutrino-induced showers in ice

May 18, 2016, 4:20 PM





We discuss the RADAR detection technique as a probe for high-energy neutrino-induced particle cascades in ice. We show that this technique, if one is able to scatter efficiently, will be able to probe neutrino energies even larger than those covered by the IceCube neutrino observatory which is sensitive up to PeV energies. A detailed model for the RADAR reflection off of the ionization plasma induced by a high-energy particle cascade in a dense medium like ice will be presented. It is shown that the scatting efficiency depends strongly on the (unknown) properties of the induced ionization plasma. To get a better handle on these properties we performed a beam test experiment at the Electron Light Source facility of the Telescope Array collaboration in Utah, USA. First promising experimental results will be presented in combination with an outlook to future experimental work.

Primary authors

Aongus O'MURCHADHA (ULB/IIHE) Kael HANSON (ULB/University of Wisconsin-Madison) Krijn DE VRIES (VUB/IIHE) Simona TOSCANO (VUB/IIHE) Thomas MEURES (ULB/University of Wisconsin-Madison)

Presentation materials