Chaotic Bohmian trajectories for stationary states

May 18, 2016, 2:45 PM
8h 15m



John MARTIN (Institut de Physique Nucléaire, Atomique et de Spectroscopie, Université de Liège, Bât. B15, B - 4000 Liège, Belgium)


We study the possibility of chaos for the Bohmian dynamics when the wave function is stationary. Examples of stationary wave functions are given for which there is chaos, as demonstrated by numerical computations, for one particle moving in 3 spatial dimensions and for two and three entangled particles in 2 dimensions. What is important for the amount of chaos is the overall complexity of the wave function. Some simple measures that partly capture the complexity of the wave function are considered: the participation ratio and different measures of entanglement. We find that these measures often tend to correlate to the amount of chaos. However, the correlation is not perfect, because the measures do not depend on the intrinsic complexity of the states of a given basis.

Primary authors

Mr Alexandre CESA (Institut de Physique Nucléaire, Atomique et de Spectroscopie, Université de Liège) John MARTIN (Institut de Physique Nucléaire, Atomique et de Spectroscopie, Université de Liège, Bât. B15, B - 4000 Liège, Belgium) Dr Ward STRUYVE (Mathematisches Institut, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)

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