Monitoring of absolute pressure and estimation of leak of an RPC gas ga

23 Feb 2016, 16:00
1h 30m


Onderbergen 1, 9000 Gent


Mr Suryanarayan MONDAL (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai)


Two barometric pressure sensor is used to measure both pressure and temperature of the atmosphere and inside of the RPC. These sensors sensor have an accuracy of 0.06hPa (0.6mmWC). After pressurizing the RPC, pressure difference between inside and outside is monitored for over 24 hours. One measurement sample is take in each 5 seconds and send over UDP packets to a computer and plotted immediately so that it can be seen from anywhere in real time. The differential pressure of a conventional manometer is highly dependent on pressure of the outside atmosphere. So it is not easy to track the leakage of a RPC for long period. But the absolute pressure readings of outside and inside RPC are independent, so, the difference between these two does not depend on the outside pressure, depends on the temperature only. So, by monitoring the pressure difference and the temperature, the leakage can be detected. During the monitoring, if there is any button-pop event, then it can be detected clearly and easily with the sudden fall of inside pressure up to 4-5mmWC.

Primary author

Mr Suryanarayan MONDAL (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai)

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