The development of Resistive Plate Chambers (RPCs) with improved features like high rate capabilities, higher efficiency in smaller form factors or bigger induced signals requires resistive electrode materials with a specific set of properties. Designing materials for this purpose with specified values of electrical conductivity, that are not usually found in single phase materials, in...
In the last two decades Resistive Plate Chambers were employed in the Cosmic Ray Experiments COVER-PLASTEX and ARGO/YBJ. In both experiments the detectors were housed indoors, likely owing to gas distribution requirements and the need to control environment variables that directly affect RPCs operational stability. But in experiments where Extended Air Shower (EAS) sampling is necessary, large...
The TOFtracker concept, the simultaneous measurement of accurate time and bi-dimensional space coordinates in a single gaseous detector, has been previously demonstrated [1]. The small detector yielded a time accuracy of 77 ps along with a bi-dimensional position accuracy of 38 um over a full active area of 60 x 60 mm2. Recently, a large area, 1550x1250 mm2, detector has been constructed for...
The CALICE Semi-Digital Hadronic Calorimeter (SDHCAL) prototype, built in 2011, was exposed to beams of hadrons, electrons and muons in short periods in 2012, 2014 and 2015 on different beam lines of the CERN SPS and PS. The prototype with its up to 50 active layers, made of Glass Resistive Plate Chambers (GRPC) and their embedded readout electronics, was run in triggerless and power-pulsing...
The first technological SDHCAL prototype having been successfully tested, a new phase of R&D, to validate completely the SDHCAL option for the International Linear Detector (ILD) project of the ILC, has started with the conception and the realization of a new prototype. The new one is intended to host few but large active layers of the future SDHCAL. The new active layers, made of GRPC with...
The possibility of performing 2D vertex reconstruction in the sLHC by resorting to accurate 10-20ps time resolution (per minimum ionizing particle) has triggered a new wave of R&D in the timing frontier. Such detectors will be operating close to the beam, and the anticipated rates exceed those typical of RPCs in many orders of magnitude. We will introduce in this presentation a detector based...
The MultiPurpose Detector (MPD) is designed at JINR for properties of hot and dense baryonic matter study. The MPD is system of detectors surrounding one of the interaction points of the future ion collider NICA. Time-of-Flight identification system in this experiment will be based on MRPC. The MRPC satisfied of requirements of the experiments has been developed. The report presents main...
Position Sensitive Neutron Detectors (PSNDs) play a critical role in many fields, such as neutron scattering science (NSS), homeland security and well logging. During the last decades these detectors were mainly based on the 3He isotope, the golden standard for thermal neutron detection. Nowadays, however, the 3He crisis resulted in a change of paradigm which poses demanding challenges to...
In the CBM (Compressed Baryonic Matter) experiment constructed at the Facility for Anti-proton and Ion Research (Fair) at GSI, Darmstadt, Germany, MRPC(Multi-gap Resistive Plate Chamber) is adopted to construct the large TOF (Time-of-Flight) system to achieve an unprecedented precision of hadron identification, benefiting from its good time resolution, relatively high efficiency and low...
Photoproduction experiments of hadrons using the γ ray from 1.5 to 2.9 GeV have been performed at the SPring-8/LEPS2 facility. We are now taking data with a large acceptance calorimeter (BGOegg) and a forward TOF array consisting of RPCs[1]. After the BGOegg experiment, we will start a new experiment using LEPS2 solenoid spectrometer. The detector system inside of the LEPS2 solenoid msagnet is...
The Compressed Baryonic Matter spectrometer (CBM) is a future fixed-target heavy-ion experiment located at the Facility for Anti-proton and Ion Research (FAIR) in Darmstadt, Germany. The key element in CBM providing hadron identification at incident beam energies between 2 and 35 AGeV will be a 120 m2 large Time-of-Flight (ToF) wall composed of Multi-gap Resistive Plate Chambers (MRPC) with a...
The INO-ICAL is a proposed neutrino physics experiment in which RPCs are used as active detecting medium. Construction of an Iron Calorimeter (ICAL) detector for studying Neutrinos, consisting of 50Kton of magnetized iron plates arranged in stacks with gaps in between RPCs would be inserted as active detectors, the total number of 2m × 2m RPCs being about 29000. But for 2m×2m normal glass with...
There are many sources of position dependent variation of the intrinsic gain of a single gap RPC, e.g., variation of thickness of glass, button and spacer, different composition of gas due to improper flow of gas, leakage etc. One of the dominant component of the time resolution of a large area single gap RPC is this position dependent gain. Also there is a variation of timing information as a...
Resistive plate chamber (RPC) detectors are known for their excellent timing and good spatial resolution, which make them favourable candidates for the tracking and triggering in many high energy physics experiments. The Iron Calorimeter (ICAL) detector at India-based Neutrino Observatory (INO) is one such experiment, which will use RPCs as an active detector element. The ICAL experiment is...
The India-based Neutrino Observatory (INO) collaboration is planning to build a 50 kiloton magnetized Iron Calorimeter (ICAL) to precisely study the atmospheric neutrino oscillation parameters. The collaboration has chosen Resistive Plate Chambers (RPCs) made up of float glass electrodes of 1.9 m × 1.8 m in area as the active detector elements and is going to deploy 28,800 of them in the ICAL...
The Resistive Plate Chamber (RPC) detector system at the Compact Muon Solenoid experiment at the LHC confers robustness and redundancy to the muon trigger. A total of 1056 double-gap chambers cover the pseudo-rapidity region |η|≤1.6 . All ancillary system (high voltage, low voltage, environmental, gas, and cooling) are constantly and closely monitored to achieve operational stability and high...
INO/ICAL pilot experimental set up is running at TIFR,MUMBAI . Large area glass RPC detectors are under test on a continuous basis. The detector stack has capacity of 12 glass RPCs of maximum 2m x 2m size , connected in parallel . RPCs are continuously purged individually, with gas mixture of R134a , Isobutane and Sulphur Hexafluoride at a steady rate of 6 SCCM to maintain one volume change a...
Resistive Plate Chambers (RPC) made of both glass and bakelite plates are under test and characterization processes as part of the detail R&D work for the ICAL detector setup of India-based Neutrino observatory [1]. A uniform response from the whole chamber is an important requisite for large area coverage (∼ 100,000 m2 ) of the ICAL which along with the large mass (∼ 50 kiloton) will help to...
Two barometric pressure sensor is used to measure both pressure and temperature of the atmosphere and inside of the RPC. These sensors sensor have an accuracy of 0.06hPa (0.6mmWC). After pressurizing the RPC, pressure difference between inside and outside is monitored for over 24 hours. One measurement sample is take in each 5 seconds and send over UDP packets to a computer and plotted...
The CMS experiment, located at the CERN Large Hadron Collider, has a redundant muon system composed by three different detector technologies: Cathode Strip Chambers (in the forward regions), Drift Tubes (in the central region), and Resistive Plate Chambers (both its central and forward regions). All three are used for muon reconstruction and triggering. During the first long shutdown (LS1) of...
A brief description and first preliminary results of the Efficiencies and Cluster Size measurements of the CMS Resistive Plate Chambers, will be presented inside the Gamma Irradiation Facility GIF++ at CERN. Preliminary studies that sets the base performance measurements of CMS RPC for starting aging studies.
We present the results of the simulation of a 10ˆ3−10ˆ4 mˆ2 sampling calorimeter, made of RPCs with analog readout and soil or concrete as aborber. This instrument, deployed at high altitude, would be able to measure cosmic rays in the energy range 1 GeV - 1 PeV, triggered by isolated or quasi-unaccompanied hadrons. A study of optimization of the geometry layout and the electronic readout...
We present the results of the simulation of a multi-gap RPC system, with electrodes suited to increase the RPC efficiency to detect sub-MeV photons. The use of new materials, as well as the layout optimization, provide improved sensitivity while preserving the robustness and the cheapness of the RPC approach. Details on the conversion probability, the opacity of the electrode and the overall...
New eco-friendly gas mixtures are being searched for use in RPC muon detectors of the CMS experiment at the CERN LHC collider. The search must be complemented by detailed studies of the interactions of candidate ecogases with materials utilized in RPC detectors. The strategy followed is two-fold, namely a static and a dynamic search. The static search is performed by comparing materials...
The Endcap Time of Flight of BESIII(Beijing Spectrometer III) was upgraded with the Multi-gap Resistive Plate Chamber (MRPC), and time resolution was required better than 100 ps. The cosmic ray test was carried out for the MRPC detectors gathered with the new designed electronics. In the cosmic ray test the construction quality and joint operation of whole detector system were checked, and the...
The BGOegg experiment located at SPring-8 Synchrotron radiation facility in Japan was started since April 2014. The main goal of the experiment is to study the photoproduction of hadrons from the interaction of high energy photon and several targets like carbon, liquid hydrogen. For the purpose of measuring the recoiled proton from the reaction p(γ,p)X, where X is a meson, we have built a...
The BGOegg experiment located at SPring-8 Synchrotron radiation facility in Japan was started since April 2014. The main goal of the experiment is to study the photoproduction of hadrons from the interaction of high energy photon and several targets like carbon, liquid hydrogen. For the purpose of measuring the recoiled proton from the reaction p(γ,p)X, where X is a meson, we have built a...
The recently approved HL-LHC project and the future colliders proposals present a challenging experimental scenario, dominated by high pileup, radiation background and a bunch crossing time possibly shorter than 5 ns. This holds as well for muon systems, where RPCs can play a fundamental role in the design of the future experiments. The RPCs, thanks to their high space-time granularity, allows...
High resolution timing for muon detectors are potentially very important for experiments at future colliders. The brief interbunching time and the very high luminosity impose for detectors high perfomances in terms of intrinsic time and spatial resolution. In this work it is shown a comparison of different technologies for muon spectrometer focusing on peculiar performances of a new generation of RPCs.
The effort to redesign the RPCs for the future experiments muon systems has started shortly after the beginning of the LHC experiments and recently centered the goal of producing a 100 x 50 cm2 size prototype. This prototype inherits from the present ATLAS muon trigger chambers the basic design and simple construction features and bi-dimensional strip readout, but is equipped with a newly...
The ICAL (Iron CALorimeter) set-up at India-based Neutrino Observatory (INO) [1] will use a large number of Resistive Plate Chambers (RPC) as the active detector element which will be stacked one above the other with alternate iron layers. The timing and spatial information from the RPCs will help determining the track of a muon produced from the interaction of atmospheric neutrino with the...
We present a simple yet powerful emulation software, devised to compute waveforms from few structural parameters of the Resistive Plate Chamber. In the first emulation step, the core algorithms are based on some simplified hypotheses, both for the space-time dependence of the local electric field and for the readout equivalent circuit. (Initially) Indeed setting the gap width, the primary...
Searches for new physics with accelerators are being performed at the LHC, looking for high massive particles coupled to matter with ordinary strength. A new experimental facility meant to search for very weakly coupled particles in the few GeV mass domain has been recently proposed at CERN. The existence of such particles, foreseen in different theoretical models beyond the Standard Model, is...
One of the solutions proposed for the start time and reaction plane determination in the CBM experiment is the Beam Fragmentation T0 Counter. This detector will be located at the forward region where the particle fluxes are expected to reach 2.5x105cm−2s−1. Therefore, ceramic RPCs with floating electrodes of low bulk resistivity will be used due to their high rate capabilities. A single RPC...
The High Luminosity phase of LHC, foreseen to start in less then ten years from now, has triggered the development of a new generation of gaseous detectors with much improved performance with respect to the present one. For what concerns Resistive Plate Chambers, R&D is focusing on the methods to increase the maximum flux of impinging particles that these devices can stand without degradation...
We report on a systematic study of double-gap and four-gap phenolic resistive plate chambers (RPCs) for high-η RPC triggers in CMS. Prototype double-gap and four-gap RPCs with gap thicknesses of 1.6 and 0.8 mm, respectively, have been constructed with 2-mm thick phenolic high-pressure-laminated (HPL) plates. Two different type front-end-electronics (FEE) were used for the digitization of the...
To improve the muon trigger efficiency of the high eta region of the CMS experiment and to cope with the expected luminosity increase in the second phase of the LHC, new RPC detectors using low-resistivity materials are proposed to equip part of the high-eta region. Several beam tests at DESY and CERN have shown that new detectors using low resistivity glass (of less than 1010 Ω.cm) could...
MRPC prototypes with readout on a multi-strip electrode were developed for the most demanding zone of the CBM-TOF wall, small polar angles region. The prototypes are based on low resistivity glass (~10^{10} Ohmcm). The granularity, given by the strip pitch size and strip length was chosen such to cope with the high values of the counting rates and multiplicities anticipated for the innermost...
MRPC has been widely used in many nuclear and particle physics experiments for its good time and efficiency performance. With the increasing of accelerator luminosity, high rate MRPC with large area will be a promising updater in many experiments. Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment intends to use MRPC technology to upgrade the end-cap muon system. The low-resistive glass developed by...
ALICE is the LHC experiment dedicated to the study of heavy-ion collisions. At forward rapidity a muon spectrometer detects muons from low mass mesons, quarkonia, open heavy-flavor hadrons as well as weak bosons. A muon selection based on transverse momentum is made by a trigger system composed of 72 resistive plate chambers (RPC) for a total of ∼140 m2 of active surface and almost 21000...
Abstract: Multi-gap Resistive Plate Chamber (MRPC) is a new type of gas detector developed on the base of RPC and it has been applied in many large hadrons experiments to construct time of flight system. Compared with other gas detector, MRPC has relatively narrow gasp gap and its performance is strongly dependent on gas quality. With accelerator luminosity continually growing in recent...
RPCs operated in streamer mode are still a detector of potential interest in neutrino and astro-particle physics applications (like OPERA and ARGO experiments). Such experiments are typically characterized by large area apparatuses with no stringent requirements on detector aging and rate capabilities. More than 40 gas mixtures obtained by combining 10 different gases have been tested using...
The RPC performance is strongly dependent on the material used for the resistive electrodes. It must combine indeed an electrical resistivity adequate to the expected operation rate with a good mechanical strength to insure the gas gap uniformity. New materials are considered and some experimental results at cosmic ray rates are presented
The India-based Neutrino Observatory (INO) collaboration has proposed to build a 50kton magnetized Iron Calorimeter (ICAL). Main aims of this experiment are to precisely measure the atmospheric neutrino oscillation parameters and to determine the ordering of neutrino masses. The collaboration has chosen Resistive Plate Chambers (RPCs) made up of float glass electrodes of 1.9 m × 1.8 m in area...
A new Gamma Irradiation Facility (GIF++) to test detectors for the HL-LHC program is available at CERN and has started to be operational in 2015. This is a unique place where high energy charged particle beams (muon beam with momentum up to 100 GeV/c) are combined with a 14 TBq 137 Cesium source. The increase in luminosity at the HL-LHC will produce a higher particle background and the effects...
The operations of Resistive Plate Chambers in LHC experiments require F-based gases for optimal performance. Recent regulations demand the use of environmentally unfriendly F-based gases to be limited or banned. In view of the CMS experiment upgrade several tests are ongoing to measure the performance of the detector in terms of efficiency, streamer probability, induced charge and time...
Further gas mixtures with low envoirment impact have been tested. For the best RPC performance the main effort was to look for a mixture giving a confortable separation between avalanche and streamer and a gas density ensuring sufficient primary ionization. The measurements have been carried out on small size chambers at cosmic ray rates using the waveforms recorded on the oscilloscope....
The availability of proton and ion beam therapy is increasing every year. A precise radio oncological treatment demands the knowledge of the dose distribution in human tissue. Energetic hadrons interact with tissue and generate prompt gamma rays with energies of up to 10 MeV. The prompt photons provide information about the hadron beam exposure. We investigated the usage of resistive plate...
The muography is an imaging technique for large and dense structures as volcanoes or reactors using atmospheric muons. We applied this technique to the observation of the Puy de Dôme, a volcano 2 km wide close to Clermont-Ferrand. The detection is performed with a 1m×1m×1.80m telescope made of 4 layers of single gap glass-RPCs. The 1cmˆ2 pad readout uses the Hardroc2 ASICs. The three data...
We are developing a positive ion detector with single ion sensitivity for radiation track structure characterization [1]. The device combines the operational principles of thick gas electron multipliers (THGEM) [2], working in reverse polarity, and resistive plate chambers (RPC). As shown in figure 1, ions produced in a low pressure gas volume drift towards a THGEM-like structure made of a...
Cosmic ray muon tomography is a novel technology for high-Z material detection with high penetration and intrinsic safety feature. Several muon imaging facilities had been setup all over the world based on different types of detectors, such as drift tube, drift chamber, GEM, RPC, scintillator and so on. We have been studied muon technology for many years and a prototype of Tsinghua University...