The SHiP experiment at CERN

25 Feb 2016, 09:10


Onderbergen 1, 9000 Gent


Prof. Giovanni DE LELLIS (Naples Univ.)


Searches for new physics with accelerators are being performed at the LHC, looking for high massive particles coupled to matter with ordinary strength. A new experimental facility meant to search for very weakly coupled particles in the few GeV mass domain has been recently proposed at CERN. The existence of such particles, foreseen in different theoretical models beyond the Standard Model, is largely unexplored from the experimental point of view. A beam dump facility, built at CERN in the north area, using 400 GeV protons is a copious factory of charmed hadrons and could be used to probe the existence of such particles. The beam dump is also an ideal source of tau neutrinos, the less known particle in the Standard Model. We report the physics potential of such a facility and the technology choices of its detector. In particular, Resistive Plate Chambers are a viable technology for the muon spectrometer of the tau neutrino detector.

Primary author

Prof. Giovanni DE LELLIS (Naples Univ.)

Presentation materials