Robust and fast emulation of RPC waveforms

24 Feb 2016, 11:50


Onderbergen 1, 9000 Gent


Paolo CAMARRI, (Roma Tor Vergata) Roberto LUPPA (Roma Tor Vergata)


We present a simple yet powerful emulation software, devised to compute waveforms from few structural parameters of the Resistive Plate Chamber. In the first emulation step, the core algorithms are based on some simplified hypotheses, both for the space-time dependence of the local electric field and for the readout equivalent circuit. (Initially) Indeed setting the gap width, the primary ionization, the drift velocities and the effective readout capacity allows rapidly computing thousands of waveforms, whose features can be compared with the experiment. Further studies are also possible by exploiting the interfaces to more sophisticated external packages simulating the primary interaction with matter, the plasma evolution in the gas gap, the full 3D-time evolution of the electric field and the readout electronics. Remarkably, the software can also be used to extract the value of the few equivalent parameters from any given set of experimental waveforms, helping to use the RPC as a tool to study electrical phenomena in gaseous media. Features and possibilities of the software will be shown, as well as results from the ongoing process of experimental validation.

Primary author

Roberto LUPPA (Roma Tor Vergata)


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