Triggering at high rates
- Nicolas Zaganidis (UGent)
One of the solutions proposed for the start time and reaction plane determination in the CBM experiment is the Beam Fragmentation T0 Counter. This detector will be located at the forward region where the particle fluxes are expected to reach 2.5x105cm−2s−1. Therefore, ceramic RPCs with floating electrodes of low bulk resistivity will be used due to their high rate capabilities. A single RPC...
The High Luminosity phase of LHC, foreseen to start in less then ten years from now, has triggered the development of a new generation of gaseous detectors with much improved performance with respect to the present one. For what concerns Resistive Plate Chambers, R&D is focusing on the methods to increase the maximum flux of impinging particles that these devices can stand without degradation...
We report on a systematic study of double-gap and four-gap phenolic resistive plate chambers (RPCs) for high-η RPC triggers in CMS. Prototype double-gap and four-gap RPCs with gap thicknesses of 1.6 and 0.8 mm, respectively, have been constructed with 2-mm thick phenolic high-pressure-laminated (HPL) plates. Two different type front-end-electronics (FEE) were used for the digitization of the...
To improve the muon trigger efficiency of the high eta region of the CMS experiment and to cope with the expected luminosity increase in the second phase of the LHC, new RPC detectors using low-resistivity materials are proposed to equip part of the high-eta region. Several beam tests at DESY and CERN have shown that new detectors using low resistivity glass (of less than 1010 Ω.cm) could...
MRPC prototypes with readout on a multi-strip electrode were developed for the most demanding zone of the CBM-TOF wall, small polar angles region. The prototypes are based on low resistivity glass (~10^{10} Ohmcm). The granularity, given by the strip pitch size and strip length was chosen such to cope with the high values of the counting rates and multiplicities anticipated for the innermost...
MRPC has been widely used in many nuclear and particle physics experiments for its good time and efficiency performance. With the increasing of accelerator luminosity, high rate MRPC with large area will be a promising updater in many experiments. Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment intends to use MRPC technology to upgrade the end-cap muon system. The low-resistive glass developed by...
ALICE is the LHC experiment dedicated to the study of heavy-ion collisions. At forward rapidity a muon spectrometer detects muons from low mass mesons, quarkonia, open heavy-flavor hadrons as well as weak bosons. A muon selection based on transverse momentum is made by a trigger system composed of 72 resistive plate chambers (RPC) for a total of ∼140 m2 of active surface and almost 21000...