New ideas - 1
- Siyu WANG (USTC)
The development of Resistive Plate Chambers (RPCs) with improved features like high rate capabilities, higher efficiency in smaller form factors or bigger induced signals requires resistive electrode materials with a specific set of properties. Designing materials for this purpose with specified values of electrical conductivity, that are not usually found in single phase materials, in...
In the last two decades Resistive Plate Chambers were employed in the Cosmic Ray Experiments COVER-PLASTEX and ARGO/YBJ. In both experiments the detectors were housed indoors, likely owing to gas distribution requirements and the need to control environment variables that directly affect RPCs operational stability. But in experiments where Extended Air Shower (EAS) sampling is necessary, large...
The TOFtracker concept, the simultaneous measurement of accurate time and bi-dimensional space coordinates in a single gaseous detector, has been previously demonstrated [1]. The small detector yielded a time accuracy of 77 ps along with a bi-dimensional position accuracy of 38 um over a full active area of 60 x 60 mm2. Recently, a large area, 1550x1250 mm2, detector has been constructed for...
The CALICE Semi-Digital Hadronic Calorimeter (SDHCAL) prototype, built in 2011, was exposed to beams of hadrons, electrons and muons in short periods in 2012, 2014 and 2015 on different beam lines of the CERN SPS and PS. The prototype with its up to 50 active layers, made of Glass Resistive Plate Chambers (GRPC) and their embedded readout electronics, was run in triggerless and power-pulsing...
The first technological SDHCAL prototype having been successfully tested, a new phase of R&D, to validate completely the SDHCAL option for the International Linear Detector (ILD) project of the ILC, has started with the conception and the realization of a new prototype. The new one is intended to host few but large active layers of the future SDHCAL. The new active layers, made of GRPC with...
The possibility of performing 2D vertex reconstruction in the sLHC by resorting to accurate 10-20ps time resolution (per minimum ionizing particle) has triggered a new wave of R&D in the timing frontier. Such detectors will be operating close to the beam, and the anticipated rates exceed those typical of RPCs in many orders of magnitude. We will introduce in this presentation a detector based...
The MultiPurpose Detector (MPD) is designed at JINR for properties of hot and dense baryonic matter study. The MPD is system of detectors surrounding one of the interaction points of the future ion collider NICA. Time-of-Flight identification system in this experiment will be based on MRPC. The MRPC satisfied of requirements of the experiments has been developed. The report presents main...
Position Sensitive Neutron Detectors (PSNDs) play a critical role in many fields, such as neutron scattering science (NSS), homeland security and well logging. During the last decades these detectors were mainly based on the 3He isotope, the golden standard for thermal neutron detection. Nowadays, however, the 3He crisis resulted in a change of paradigm which poses demanding challenges to...