The ECFA ECR representatives of the Netherlands and Belgium organise a workshop to discuss the topic of future colliders to the individual ECFA member countries. This event is created to foster discussions in both countries and to provide input towards the next update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics, which is extremely important, especially for ECRs. Many aspects such as funding and career paths of ECRs are country-specific, but largely overlap between Belgium and the Netherlands, which is why we chose to combine these two countries.
Andrea García Alonso, Nikhef
Anna Benecke, Université catholique de Louvain
Kirill Skovpen, Universiteit Gent
Lydia Brenner, Nikhef
Mariia Selina, Nikhef and Universiteit Utrecht
Marion Missio, Nikhef and Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
Matous Vozak, Nikhef
Suzanne Klaver, Nikhef and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Zef Wolffs, Nikhef and Universiteit van Amsterdam
Kirill Skovpen, Universiteit Gent
Simone Devoto, Universiteit Gent
Adina Maria Tomaru, Universiteit Gent
Karam Kaspar, Universiteit Gent
Amber Cauwels, Universiteit Gent
Katarine Ghislain, Universiteit Gent
Inge Van der Vennet, Universiteit Gent
Brian Van Den Noortgaete, Universiteit Gent
Naïma De Cuyper, Universiteit Gent
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